Welcome to the Phillips et al. v Bay Bridge Administrators, LLC Settlement Website



A court has authorized this notice. This is not a solicitation from a lawyer.

If You Were Subject to the Bay Bridge Administrators, LLC Security Incident and Previously Received a Notice Letter Notifying You of the Data Security Incident, You Could be Eligible for a Payment from a Class Action Settlement.

You may be eligible to receive a payment from a proposed $2,516,890 non-reversionary class action settlement (the “Qualified Settlement Fund”).

The class action lawsuit concerns a data security incident that occurred in September 2022 (the “Security Incident”) involving Bay Bridge Administrators, LLC (“Bay Bridge” or “Defendant”) in which it was determined that an unauthorized third party may have gained access to certain Bay Bridge files containing sensitive personal information of employees of Bay Bridge customers stored on Bay Bridge’s network, including names, dates of birth, Social Security Numbers, driver’s license numbers or state identification numbers, medical information, and health information (“Personal Information”). Bay Bridge denies any wrongdoing and denies that it has any liability but has agreed to settle the lawsuit on a classwide basis.

To be eligible to make a claim, you must have received a Notice of Data Security Incident letter of the Bay Bridge Security Incident that occurred in September 2022.

Eligible claimants under the Settlement Agreement will be eligible to receive one or both of the following Settlement benefits:

Out-of-Pocket Losses: Reimbursement for the actual amount of unreimbursed out-of-pocket losses or expenses up to $5,000, with supporting documentation of the monetary losses or expenses;

Pro Rata Cash Payment: Estimated $50 cash payment from the Qualified Settlement Fund that will be increased or decreased pro rata depending on the amount remaining in the Qualified Settlement Fund after allocation of the Qualified Settlement Fund for reimbursement of documented Out-of-Pocket Losses, Service Awards, attorneys’ fees and expenses, and Notice and Administrative Expenses.


Summary of Legal rights


Submit a Claim Form

The only way to receive payment. Claim forms must be Submitted or Postmarked on or Before July 24, 2024


Exclude Yourself By Opting Out of the Class

Receive no payment. This is the only option that allows you to keep your right to bring any other lawsuit against Defendant for the same claims if you are a Settlement Class Member. Requests for exclusions must be Submitted or Postmarked on or Before June 24, 2024  


Object to the Settlement and/or Attend the Final Approval Hearing

You can write to the Court about why you agree or disagree with the Settlement. The Court cannot order a different Settlement. You can also ask to speak to the Court at the Final Approval Hearing on July 30, 2024 about the fairness of the Settlement, with or without your own attorney. Objections must be received on or Before June 24, 2024.


Do Nothing

Receive no payment. Give up rights if you are a Settlement Class Member.